38 años uniendo a los pueblos del Perú

38 years uniting the people of Peru

On November 6th, Constructora MPM SA celebrated its 38th anniversary. Since 1981, the company has been working throughout Peru and has accumulated over 37 years of experience in engineering projects, positioning itself as a business unit generating highly profitable income. MPM has an Integrated Management System designed to control processes that impact on quality, the good anti-bribery management, safety, occupational health and environment policies of the services / projects we provide in such a way that ensures the results comply with the specified requirements. Thereby, Constructora MPM reasserts the base objectives of its management, ensuring that the services provided are safe, reliable and suitable for the intended purpose.

Este es un punto clave a valorar la técnica de las grandes infraestructuras. Un buen ingeniero debe saber, que no solo la técnica esta detrás de las infraestructuras, sino el porqué de las mismas, su finalidad y su servicio a la sociedad.

Ing. Adolfo Paredes Acosta

Currently, Constructora MPM operates in the Peruvian coast, highlands and rainforest with a clear vision to achieve international expansion by strategically spreading out the service scope of its four main lines of business: Hydraulics and Sanitation, Buildings, Pavement, and Roads and Bridges.

This is the pillar for continuous growth of the company and the consolidation of its operational capacity, which adds up to over two million man-hours per year.

Thanks to its highest quality standards and state-of-the-art technology, MPM continuously takes part in several work stages of nation-wide development projects, thus becoming an essential part in the construction project of buildings, roads, bridges and tunnels; likewise, the company has the management capacity to realize drawings of hydraulic and sanitation development throughout Peru.

With each stage in which Constructora MPM participates, each professional team of MPM and its members assume the responsibility that entails the impact of our works on hundreds of thousands of families. Some of the major works executed by Constructora MPM throughout the country in recent years are listed below. Chinchipe Bridge (Cajamarca). One of the recent works executed and to be inaugurated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, through its autonomous organ Provías Descentralizado. The Chinchipe Bridge was installed over the river from which its name comes from, in Cajamarca, two hours from the border of Peru and Ecuador.

This vehicle (two lanes) and pedestrian bridge is 120 meters long, made of warren truss in an arch shape, with riparian defenses through deep rockfill; this work will provide safer transit from the district of San Jose to the district of Lourdes, in the province of San Ignacio, Cajamarca region, and will benefit over 18 thousand inhabitants. This soon to be inaugurated bridge has been expected for more than 70 years and involves an investment of 36 million Soles.


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