Nueva Variante Uchumayo

New Variant Uchumayo

In 2014, the Uchumayo interchange or diversion, a.k.a. "Intercambio Evitamiento", in the department of Arequipa was completed; as a high traffic highway, it allows crossing this section with a maximum speed of 100 km/hr without interruptions. The highway interchange has a large ditch (fast track) of 1.2 km; four lanes, with their respective sections; and a New Jersey-type safety separator. It also has another four lanes in the auxiliary roads, intended for urban transport, located parallel to the fast track, as well as a roadside where sidewalks and tree-lined gardens alternate.

Cuatro décadas de experiencia avalan la calidad de nuestro trabajo en la ejecución de
proyectos viales con el firme propósito de unir poblaciones y construir un mejor Perú.

Rafael Noriega Barreto, Eng. 

Two bridges were included along the project section to articulate the circulation of this variant, thus allowing to turn and access from Via de Evitamiento to Parque Industrial; as well as a semicircular bridge that will allow the vehicles to move from the Uchumayo Variant towards the Via de Evitamiento highway. Additionally, there are two other bridges exclusively for pedestrian use. This project had an investment of over 57 million Soles and was inaugurated in 2014.


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